Turkiye ve Endonezya

 Compiling Turkish - Indonesian words with same meaning

Atiye / Hediye : meaning 'Gift'. Also, Atiyyah / Hadiya in Arabic. --> Indonesian = Hadiah
This is a beautiful name with beautiful and soulful meaning. It encompasses that the baby is a blessing, a gift, a gift from God. 

Mezmur : meaning 'Psalm'. --> Indonesian = Mazmur

Hakim : meaning 'Judge'. --> Indonesian = Hakim

Hukum : meaning 'rule, law, provision, judgment' and so on. --> Indonesian = Hukum 

Cevap : meaning 'answer, reply, response'. --> Indonesian = Jawab. In conversation, the Turkish pronunciation is almost identical to the Indonesian pronunciation.

Saat : meaning 'hour, time, clock'. --> Indonesian = Saat - meaning moments

Zaman : meaning 'time'. --> Indonesian = Jaman - meaning era, a time period. We have several words that represent times depending on the context.

Hayat : Hayat = life

Masa : Meja = table

Mısır : Mesir = Egypt

Selam : Salam = greetings

Dunya : Dunia = world

Izin : Ijin = permission

Kurban : Korban = victim, sacrifice

Nefes : Nafas = breathe

Nikah : Nikah = marriage

Istirahat : Istirahat = rest

Acayip : Ajaib = strange, magical

Teşekkür : Tersyukur = appreciation, acknowledgement. In Turkish they use this as Thanks/Thank you. In Indonesian it is more a word to describe thankful/in appreciation of something.

Restoran : Restoran = restaurant, you can guess this one.

Resmi : Resmi = official

Mutlak : Mutlak = absolute

Cuma : Jumat = Friday. So the letter C in Turkish is pronounced as the J in Indonesian.

Hayvan : Hewan = animal

Kitap : Kitab = book

Evvel : Awal = in Turkish it means 'before'. In Indonesian it translates more of 'at the beginning' or 'that time, before...' so technically it means pretty similar, I would say.

Nasihat : Nasehat = advice


Isn't it just fascinating! Will add more as I go...



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